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& Spot Shading

Keeping your hairstroke finish with a touch of  extra definition:
Spot shading is about adding a little bit of shading, between some strokes, to add fullness and in some cases to blend the colors between the natural brow and the Microblading. There are some situations, where the skin is too thin and to protect it's integrity we mix some of this machine work with our haistrokes. It's also perfect for those who want a more defined look but still having the hairstrokes as the main character, cause in most cases the spot shading blends so well is hard to tell is there, so the softness of the look will not be compromised. I love how this tiny amounts of shading look, it gives such a blending to the final look, and it gives me expensive vibes.
A design with pencil is performed previous to Microblading with Spot Shading, so you can see how the shape looks on your face, being able to make any adjustments you may desire.
This technique will keep your hairstrokes as the main characther of the look adding definition and intensity of color between strokes wherever it may be necessary to complete the look or preferred for more definition.
Personally I love how this tiny amounts of shading add to the eyebrows making it look much more blended and complete. I like that is not too noticeable, but it does add a lot for the final look. Its a great tool for those who want a hairstroke look but either their skin or natural brow wont blend completely and need the extra help to have a beautiful result.
Hairstrokes are performed with Nanoblades for absolute thin healed hairstrokes. This type of needle of smaller diameter will cause much less trauma to the skin, and have your strokes looking still thin in the long term. *
The main healing process  will happen during the first 10 days. First 3-4 days is when the color will show darker and day 4-10 the color will lighten about a 40%. If scabbing ocurrs this will be just a white flaky skin. Healing process will be completed in 30 days once the skin has regenerated completely.

The aftercare process takes about 10 days. Consist on washing and moisturizing your brows daily for those days, as well as:
  • making sure you wear a hat if you're in the sun,
  • avoid water on your brows during showers,
  • avoid sweating for 10 days as well
  • avoid make up and skincare in the forehead area
  • avoid steam​


​For most people two sessions are going to be required. A first session and a touch up done 6-8 weeks after depending on the skin. Some people will require a 3rd session, 2 months after the touch up.
Permanent Makeup is a two or Three Step PROCESS due to every person's individual body specifics. It's very important to complete both sessions to achieve perfect outcome, that is specifically designed for your skin complexion needs and also to keep it as long lasting as we state.
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